5. Mass Ave - Boujee ass street, I always try to avoid driving on at almost all costs. But you know you can also walk on this road’s sidewalks. Lots of commerce around these parts. As long as this street has the Ann Dancing Electronic Sculpture, its in my top 5.
4. Fall Creek Parkway - Smooth as hell. weird middle lane where you can pass cars and play chicken with on coming traffic. you can get just about anywhere on that road.
3. NASCAR Road - I can’t tell you anything about this road or my high school self and all of his his school friends would kill me. just know its cooler than any road you’ve ever driven on.
2. Market Street - The circle, all bricks, and Giorgio’s pizza.. What more could you want. This street is host to the Farmer’s market and the strawberry festival in the summer. Absolute Summer Slapper of a Street
1. Kessler Boulevard - Indy’s very own autobahn. The only road in the whole state without a speed limit. Also Cops don’t know about this road existing yet, so that’s baller. I prefer the East and West stretch of Kessler opposed to the North and South stretch but that’s jus me.